Thanks, I made some meaty ice cubes for then to keep them cool so will see how they go later.
David Flanagan
2 years ago
A cool overcast day so played in the garden. I got the dogs food from Tesco’s so we’ll stocked now. Dogs are keeping well and all’s fine at home.
David Flanagan
2 years ago
Hi again, it’s a lovely day so dogs have been in & out to the garden all morning relaxing on the grass after having a few playtime.
David Flanagan
2 years ago
Early morning heavy rain (most welcome) dogs not impressed so well go for our walk later this morning. Q:George’s Lexicon will run out by mid week do you have more here please?
David Flanagan
2 years ago
Both dogs are doing fine, eating, drinking, sleeping & walking well. Weather is cooler but warmest by the weekend so more garden time :-)
David Flanagan
2 years ago
All’s well here, no photos sent from Steve Holmes showing his dogs injuries. (Maybe he’ll call when your home?) Will walk the dogs before I leave this evening & settle them down.
We’re all settled in here, a muggy morning & hot now. Have done quick toilet breaks during the day then back in the cool.
All curtains & blinds down to keep the house cool. Put their cool gel mat in the fridge last night to help them today. Fan on as well they’re fine.
Well I never thought to put coolmat in fridge. Genius
Thanks, I made some meaty ice cubes for then to keep them cool so will see how they go later.
A cool overcast day so played in the garden. I got the dogs food from Tesco’s so we’ll stocked now. Dogs are keeping well and all’s fine at home.
Hi again, it’s a lovely day so dogs have been in & out to the garden all morning relaxing on the grass after having a few playtime.
Early morning heavy rain (most welcome) dogs not impressed so well go for our walk later this morning. Q:George’s Lexicon will run out by mid week do you have more here please?
Both dogs are doing fine, eating, drinking, sleeping & walking well. Weather is cooler but warmest by the weekend so more garden time :-)
All’s well here, no photos sent from Steve Holmes showing his dogs injuries. (Maybe he’ll call when your home?) Will walk the dogs before I leave this evening & settle them down.